Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows
I’m rather late to the party this week. Last week passed by much the same with me working full time and bringing Olivia with me. However, there was a bank holiday weekend and we definitely made the most of it.
We managed the perfect balance of getting jobs done both at home and helping out at my work as well as spending quality time together.
We enjoyed a afternoon tea delivered to our door, and had a movie night in the garden around the fire pit. Something that Olivia has wanted to do every night since.
We also enjoyed daily walks in the fields/woods surround our house. This is when this weeks photos were taken while I was playing around with the camera on my iPhone.
Olivia is continuing to do so well with the changes to our routine due to lockdown and we have got ourselves into a good home learning routine.
How are things going for you?
Sounds like it is going really well, it is tough juggling work and homeschooling. I never feel like I have a good balance.