As a busy working mum it can be difficult to keep all the plates spinning. Whether you have one child or more, if they are at home all day or at nursery or school it can be hard to keep on top of everything.
I don’t know about you but I tend to find that as soon as I start tidying one room either Adam or Olivia are making a mess in another.
It often feels like no matter how hard I try I can never keep on top of everything. You know things have got bad when you have to wash up before you can cook a meal and you can’t find anything.
This is the stage when I usually banish them both from the house and go into a cleaning frenzy. Thats when I have stopped looking around wondering where exactly to start.
When the house is clean and today life seems so much easier. I often find myself looking around and thinking I’m so glad nobody usually turns up unannounced. Not that they would probably care but I do.
There are lots of small things that we can do on a daily basis to keep on top of things. It’s all about getting yourself into a routine and making the most of your time. After all like everything in life organisation is key.
Create a Tick list
If your anything like me there’s something quite satisfying when ticking something off your to do list. Create a little list of what you want to achieve that day or week and then mark it off as you. I find the easiest times to get stuff done are in the mornings before I get Olivia ready for nursery and then when the dinner is cooking.
Make the Bed
When you get up in the morning be sure to make the bed. In an instant the room with look tidier and more inviting.
Wash up and Wipe the Sides
Wash up and Wipe the kitchen side oslAWash up, put the dishes away and give the worktops a wipe. Ideally do this in the evening so that the kitchen is clear in the morning. Nothing is worse than coming down stairs in the morning to the days before mess. After all food residue is much easier to clean when it hasn’t been left to dry on.
Tidy up Post as it Arrives
Rather than dumping the post on the nearest surface put it away straight away. For me this means putting it in my draw to be correctly filed when I have time. Not the ideal solution but better than it being spilling off the sideboard.
This is were are cordless Dyson is a life saver. I know hoover at least once a day, not the whole house, usually after meal times. Then once a week I get what I call the ‘big hoover’ out and give all the hard to get places a clean.
Wipe over the Bathroom
I like to clean the toilet and toilet seat daily as not only does it unsure that the toilet is clean but it also keeps the bathroom smelling fresh. I also try to wipe over the bath and sink a couple of times a week to ensure that its a much easier job when I give the bathroom a deep clean.
I Really can’t stand dusty services so will often flick a duster around. This is one that Olivia often loves getting involved in to. Although be careful that when you hand your child some polish and duster and ask them to polish everything wooden that they know that does not include the wooden flooring. Trust me this can be a rather painful experience.
Wipe over the floors
I love floor wipes for obvious marks and spills but our Vileda 1,2,3 spray mop is also a lifesaver. I fill it will my favourite diluted zaflora and away I go.
Put the Laundry Away
Rather than leaving it to pile up so that it tales twice as long and theres clothes everywhere try to get the laundry away as soon as its dry. Anybody else’s house look like a Chinese laundry during the colder months?
I hope that my housework guide has give you some inspiration. If you really like it I would love for you to give it a pin.
There is ALWAYS a pile of post and school letters in my kitchen waiting for me to deal with them, might see if I can find a drawer to hide them in! #mbloglinky
I am so in need of this! I am obsessed about having a clean house, but I break all the rules in your list, even though I know I shouldn’t.
I am going to focus and start being sensible about something that makes such a difference to my state of mind.
Great tips! I find it so hard to juggle working mum life with cleaning and tidying so I’ll definitely be taking some of these suggestions on board (especially tidying up post and wiping the floors!) #mbloglinky
Love this guide, I have just started making my bed every day and I have really noticed a difference! #mbloglinky