Today we received an email from our daughters school detailing what they are putting in place for their planned reopening at the beginning of June.
It comes across reopening is something that they don’t really want to do but are having to.
Like many there are a few factors that have brought us to the decision that she will not be returning yet. The main ones being that facts that Adam and I are both key workers full time and neither of us can commit to being able to drop her off and pick her up every day. This is hard enough for us to sometimes juggle let alone when the school are asking for it to be the same person each time and drop off and collection times are being staggered. Procedures which I totally understand but make it difficult for us.
Another factor is that the social distancing measures that have to be in place. Again I totally understand the need for these to protect everyone but its so difficult for young children to understand and stick to. Not being able to socialise with all of their friends or take part in something they will potentially see others doing.
The last big factor is the fact that we have already put ourselves at enough risk with us both working throughout lockdown, which we have been happy to do, I’m not ready to open ourselves up to having contact with even more people yet. Although I’m not worried about Olivia herself contacting the virus it’s about the picture.
The only thing that is playing on mind is how long it took to settle her when she started Reception last September and whether we are going to be back at square one when she does return. But right now that isn’t enough to sway be and I know that like we did before it may be a struggle for a while but we will get through it.
Do you have children in Reception, Year 1 or Year 6? Will they be returning?