Im not one for the whole ‘new year new me’ but I do think reflection is important.
2018 was a good year for us. We enjoyed lots of family days out, including trips to Paultons Park and Paradice Wildlife Park.
We also enjoyed lots of uninterrupted family time during our two week holiday to Cyprus which also gave us the chance to visit the place we got married. Reminiscing over memories and creating new ones to be treasured.
Olivia has grown up so much over the last year and turned into a fully fledged little girl. I still can’t get my head around the fact that 2019 will see her starting school. Time really does fly.
Towards the end of year we were shocked by the news that one of our close friends would be starting treatment for throat cancer. This really opened my eyes and changed my outlook on life.
None of us know what’s just around the corner and take so much for granted.
Its so easy to not invite people around because our ‘house is a mess’ or to not meet up because it seems like to much effort. But our family and friends haven’t come to inspect our houses or analyse what we look like.
Looking forward to 2019 I want to:
• Spend as much time, as our busy lives allow, with family and friends as possible. Making an effort at every opportunity rather than an excuse.
• Stress less. What is it they say ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’. To do list as long as my arm? Stressing over it isn’t going to get it done any quicker so what’s the point?
• Continue to try and make time to read every day. Having that time to switch off each night really helps.
What are your goals and aspirations for 2019?