Sequencing is a skill that we teach children from around 3 years old.
Sequencing can be taught in may ways but my favourite is using the hungry caterpillar story as it provides a range of opportunities which develop a range of skills across the Early Years curriculum.
Start off by reading the story to your child/children and encourage them to sequence it and retell it themselves. There are lots of worksheets available online for this, my favourites can be found here. (A subscription may be needed) But why not get the pens, pencils or even paints out and let them make their own storyboard. Writing skills can also be practiced when adding labels and captions to explain what is happening in the pictures.
Once you have done this extend their learning by starting to look at the life cycle of a caterpillar. Again this can be done using worksheets, their own representations of even models of the different stages. Theres a great video of the Butterfly Life Cycle here that you can use to introduce the activity to your child.