Welcome to my first living arrows post of 2019.
Living Arrows is weekly link up with Donna from What The Redhead Said where you can share your favourite photo or two of your child/children from the week just gone.
I was so pleased when Donna confirmed she would be continuing with the link up this year as it’s a great way to document just how much Olivia grows and how much she learns in a year.
This year is a big one for us as well with her starting School. But enough about the year head here’s a little of what we have been up to the last week. It’s been a busy one, what with a water leak at home and getting back into the work/nursery routine.
Olivia has been really upset going into nursery in the mornings which really breaks my heart. I know she genuinely has a good day once she has calmed down but that doesn’t make it any easier.
Apart from a trip to Ikea we spent the weekend at home getting ready for our new kitchen to be fitted. Olivia managed to keep herself busy with her ‘babies’. Making sure that all of their activities were done with them, she wrote their accident forms if they hurt themselves and the they were fed and had a nap. She really does have a great imagination and spends the majority of her time either playing with her dolls or taking part in some kind of crafts.
I hope going to nursery becomes happier for Olivia, it’s so hard when they are upset to leave them, but like you say she is fine when she is there! It’s great she has such a great imagination! Great picture
I can’t believe she’s starting school this year – I’m sure you’ll be making the most of the next 9 months before she starts. I’m so pleased you’re joining in again! x
Both mine have cried at drop off for a lot of the time – it’s hard even when you know they’re fine 5 minutes later isn’t it? My littlest starts school this year too but he still seems like such a baby. 9 months is a long way off yet though 🙂 #LivingArrows
Its so hard, like you said I know she is fine but she’s so unsettled going to bed and going to nursery recently.