With June drawing to an end I thought I would share some of my favourite products this month with you. Some I have just started using this month and others are firm favourites I have been using for some time.
Lets start at the top with hair.
Johnsons no more tangled conditioner spray
Not only do I use this in Olivia’s hair but my own too. It’s the only way that I can get a brush through my hair after washing it.
got2b lush floral Dry Shampoo
Now what mum doesn’t love dry shampoo? This stuff is a god send and I love the fragrance of this one that I picked up in primark I will definitely be stocking up.
Now on to make up.
Estee Lauder Double Wear
This foundation, that I started using last year, is still my all time favourite. I use shade Ecru and can’t see myself swapping to a different brand any time soon. Although a little pricey it is definitely worth it.
Laritzy Aloha Shade Stix
Initially a bit worried that this shade stix that came in this months glossy box was a bit dark it’s actually the perfect shade for using to contour. It’s highly pigmented and the creamy, weighloss texture makes it so easy to blend.
Skincare Routine
Decleor Aroma cleanse cleansing mouse and toner
I switched over to these products last month after the most amazing facial and haven’t looked back since. My skin is so much clearer. I can’t sctually remember the last time that I had a break out the fact that I have been making sure that I make time morning and night to cleanse, tone and moisturise has definitely helped.
And lastly body creams and lotions
Child’s Farm Moisturiser
My mum picked up this moisturiser for Olivia but it smells so good I have also been using it. It has done wonders for her eczema and the Johnson’s naturals moisturiser I usually use on her has been cast aside.
Skin so Soft Glow Body Lotion
I love using this tinted moisturiser this time of year on my lily whites. It’s start so off giving a nice nature glow which can be built up over time.
De Bruyere After Sun
This is another product that came in this months glossy box. I love the floral tube and once again it smells fab. I used this pretty much every day with the lovely weather that we have been having and plan on ordering a full size on each
So there you have it a roundup of my June favourites. What products have you been loving?