Taking a step back

Taking a step back

A couple of months back I decided to take a step back from blogging and at the moment I’m still not sure if this is going to be permanent thing.

I found myself in a place where I was missing out on valued family time because I was taking photos for this and that or had my head in my laptop writing posts for the sake of it. Because I felt like I had too. Because I needed to have new posts going up regularly.

I’d be playing with my daughter but not actually playing with her because I would be so focused on getting the perfect social media picture. I would plan our days around getting content.

I’d also sit comparing myself to other bloggers and their amazing content and find myself thinking whats the point? I can never compete.

But then I reminded myself of why I started this blog and whilst I may not have a unique selling point I’m always open and honest. If I am going to continue I definitely need to think about what direction I want to take but for now its been so nice having no pressure on myself.

What kind of posts do you like seeing?

With my childcare background I would love to share activity ideas and family recipes but I see so many of these posts around.


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