I’ve always loved a good clean. Nothing beats a tidy fresh smelling house.
But, like so many, since I came across Mrs Hinch on Instagram my cleaning has been taken to whole new level.
A quick dust and a whip round with the hoover at the weekend is no longer good enough. I now find myself buying cleaning products every time I walk into a shop and doing some kind of cleaning every day.
Now I’m no professional but thought I would share with you my top 10 cleaning products and how I use them:
1. Zoflora and Baking Powder
Mix together your favourite Zoflora and baking powder and rub into your sofa and mattress. Leave for half an hour and then hoover off. It really couldn’t be easier and your sofa and mattress will not only be left clean but smell amazing.
2. Shake N Vac and 1001
Now I’m a big fan of both shake n vac and 1001 carpet spray. I like to use shake n vac once a fortnight but 1001 is fab for keeping the carpets and rugs fresh in between. You simple spray on, singing ‘let it snow’ is optional and then leave to do it’s thing. There is no need to hoover it up or rub it in.
3. Diluted Fabric Softener
Dilute a capful of your favourite fabric softener is a spray bottles and use it to clean down any woodwork and skirting boards. Believe me your house will smell amazing. I also like to spray this solution over cushions and curtains.
4. Tumble Dryer sheets
Because table dryer sheets are static they are fabric for picking up dust, especially off glass surfaces, sinks, toilets and round the edge of the bath.
I also use them to keep cushions smelling fresh. Simply soak some tumble dryer sheets in your favourite neat zoflora and then place them inside cushion covers.
5. Pine Disinfectant
I like to use this to disinfect the kitchen bin but also the hoover hose. I fill the bath with warm water and a good amount of the disinfectant and leave the hose and bin in there overnight. Not only are the bath and hoover hose then clean but the bathroom smells amazing the next day.
6. Astonish Toilet Tablets
Our toilet bowl has literally never looked cleaner. Simply pop in a tablet and leave it over night to do it’s thing.
7. Dettol All in One Spray
Fantastic for spray light switches, door handles and just about anything. You can use it on all surfaces including soft furnishings.
8. Oven Pride
washing the oven racks couldn’t be easier. Simply place them into the bag provided and pour in the solution. All you have to do them is leave them to soak. I usually leave them for a whole day or overnight. Then simply since off, making sure you are wearing gloves and return to your Owen.
9. Method Shower Spray
Every time we shower we spray this onto the shower screen and just leave it. It leaves the shower screen streak free and without any water marks.
10. Dr Beckmann Carpet Stain Remover
This stuff has saved Olivia’s skin on numerous occasions. Great for getting all kinds of stains not only out of the carpet but the sofa too. I’ve got food stains and pen marks out of the sofa using this.
So there you have it my top ten cleaning products. Have I missed out any of your favourites?
Some fab tips here Stacey- especially tumble drier sheets in cushion covers! Definitely going to give that a go x
Our cushions smell so good!
Great review!!!!
Wonderful explanation. This is the perfect cleaning post. Such an informative post you share without pay thanks a lot.