Do you want to improve your life?
After all there’s always room for improvement right?
I’ve put together 12 simple things that you can do to improve your life this year.
#1 Limit your social media time
This can be easier said than done, especially if your work involves social media.
But if you limit your time and ensure that you are using it wisely it certainly pays off.
Social media and technology can take up so much of our time.
#2 Get a good nights sleep
Having a good nights sleep makes such a difference.
I understand there’s always so much to do and so little time to do it but if you keep going all night long you are eventually going to burn yourself out.
Aim to get 7-9 hours sleep a night.
#3 Get yourself into a good morning routine
Your morning routine sets you up for the day so make it a good one.
Why not try some light exercise to get your body going.
#4 Make time for self-care
At the end of a busy day, when someones upset you or when you’re feeling alone. It’s important to take care of yourself.
Make a list of the things that make you happy and whenever your feeling blue carry one of them out. It could be reading, a face mask, a nice bath or a spot online shopping.
Its so important for your mental health to make time for you, even if it’s 10 minutes every day.
#5 Be yourself
After all we are all unique. If you fake your personality you are bound to attract fake people.
Not everyone is going to like you but that’s ok. Go for quality not quantity, ensuring that you are true to yourself in every situation.
#6 Stop worrying so much
Worrying about everything that could happen is such a waste of time.
If you worry about everything that goes on in the world you will never feel relaxed.
Also stop worrying so much about what others think about you or your decisions.
#7 Learn a new skill
Try to learn something new every once in a while.
It can be cooking a new recipe, a new hobby, anything. But challenge yourself and develop your skill set.
#8 Read more books
Im such a book worm. Reading really does have so many benefits.
I find it the perfect me time at the end of busy days when in bed.
Concentrate on non-fictional educational books or fictional books with great lessons.
#9 Start exercising
Try to exercise 2-3 times a week. I guarantee once you have got yourself into a routine you will feel so much better for it.
You’ll start to feel: less stressed, more confident and healthier.
#10 Make the most out of your time
There are many ways to make the most out of your time. Listen to podcasts during your drive to work, keep a book in your bag you can read whenever you get a spare few minutes. The list is endless.
#11 Show Gratitude
Gratitude will make you a lot happier. Always be thankful for you have.
Its only when we loose things we realise how special they were.
#12 Push yourself out of your comfort zone
Every now and again push yourself to do something you wouldn’t normally.
All of the best things are outside of your comfort zone and ill let you into a little secret, you’ve got this.
Yes it can be hard but it will be totally worth it.
I hope that you are able to take something from these tips. If you any to add please leave them in comments. I love reading all your thoughts and tips.