Making time for yourself as parent and we near on impossible.
Having the time is the first obstacle what with everything else that we are having to juggle time for ourselves very rarely gets prioritised.
But on the rare occasion you do have time the guilt then hits and your mind races with 101 other things that you would be spending your precious time doing.
Self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant or take up hours of your time. There are simple things that you can can do at home on a evening once your little people are tucked up for the night.
After all you aren’t going to conquer all of the other things on your ever growing list if you aren’t taking care of yourself.
Here are some simple ways you can take care of your mind and body:
- Unplug, turn your phone and any other devices off for an hour. Freeing yourself from the constant bings of social media.
- Go for a run or walk. I always find the great outdoors the best way of clearing the mind.
- Pick up a book and loose yourself in the words.
- Enjoy a soak in the bath, be it full of bubbles or with a bath bomb.
- Paint your nails.
- Put on a facemark and enjoy your favourite program or film.
- Say no to others, if you already have lots to juggle don’t be worried about saying no to others
- Write down or journal your thoughts.
- De-clutter, whether its your work space, wardrobe or emails.
Do you have anything else you like to do to take care of yourself?
I like to clean or go to the gym it always leaves me feeling better x