Welcome back to another week of living arrows.
A weekly link up with Donna from What the Redhead Said where I like to share my favourite photo or two of Olivia from the week before along with a little about out week.
The last week has been full of adventure with Olivia having two days off nursery with daddy. She decided that she wanted to spend both days and one day over the weekend at our local activity farm which is where this weeks photos were taken.
She absolutely loves burning off energy in the soft play there and watching the different shows with Peter Rabbit and friends. It wasn’t so long ago that she used to be scared of the people in the costumes but now seeing them is definitely the highlight of the day for her. When we went on Saturday we weren’t allowed to leave until she had been to all of the shows that were taking place that day.
She hasn’t been sleeping to great recently as she keeps saying that theres a witch in her bedroom but she was exhausted after all the running around.
Yesterday we took advantage of merlin passes and ventured into London for a trip the Sea life Centre and The Shrek adventure. Although the Shrek Adventure interactive tour was great fun and I would highly recommend it I’m not sure we really helped Olivia’s current fear of witches.
Awww bless your little one having to watch every single show. I don’t blame her – it looks like so much fun!
The farm looks amazing, our local farm is closed until March I can’t wait till it opens again!
That sounds like a lovely way to spend a few days. My eldest used to be scared of people in costumes but he’s much better now. #LivingArrows
That looks like such a lovely farm trip! So glad you got the blog back up x