I’ such a lover of books and believe that children are never to young to enjoy them.
Children’s books provide the perfect opportunity to develop their speech and imagination. And before you even know it they will be reading their favourite, most familiar books back to you.
A bedtime story is such a perfect end to the day, but you can share a book anywhere and at any time. It should be a fun experience, with bright engaging pictures, rhymes and repeated reframes that the children can get involved with.
There are so many fantastic children’s books out there but here are just a few of my favourites:
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
The Snail and The Whale
Aliens Love Underpants
Dirty Bertie
Each Peach Pear Plum
Guess How Much a Love You
Where the Wild Things Are
Room on The Room
Where’s My Teddy
The Gruffalo
Cuddly Duddley