Just like us grown up’s it’s important for children to have something meaningful to do, something to keep them busy and for them to be proud of.
That is where chores can come in. Im not saying they need a list of jobs that they must carry out but there are so many things are toddlers and preschoolers can help out with.
Whilst deciding what chores you can get your little ones to help with keep these simple guidelines in mind:
Stay Positive
Give them lots of praise and make sure their efforts are rewarded. Tell daddy when he comes home about all the jobs that they have done and watch their little faces beam with pride.
Don’t Use Chores as Punishment
Jobs can be used to stave off boredom but they shouldn’t be used as a punishment.
Now, what chores can your 2-4 year old be expected to do? Here are some suggestions.
Morning Jobs
- Brush teeth – properly all over and put toothbrush away
- Put Panamas in washing basket
- Get dressed – smaller children may need help with this one
- Make bed
Meal Times
- Set the table
- Help with preparing/cooking food
- Help to clear the table
Evening Jobs
- Put shoes and coats in an appropriate place
- Tidy up toys before going to bed
- Put clothes in washing basket
- Clean teeth
Any Time Jobs
- Dust Furniture
- Help with washing
- Care for pets
- Water plants
Do you get your little ones to help out around the house? What are their favourite jobs to carry out?
My boys are 4 and 2, I’ve been thinking of age appropriate chores for them to do and these are perfect 😉
Such a wonderful idea.
Mine all have an evening job, my daughter is 12 so has to tidy the playroom and my 5 year old has to clean the table and placemats after dinner…… my 4 year old doesn’t have a job yet, but now I’m thinking he should.